10T Bow Cable Engine

10T Bow Cable Engine 1
10T Bow Cable Engine 2
10T Bow Cable Engine 3
10T Bow Cable Engine 4
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Overal dimensions

Length 1700 mm (approx. value) exclusive quadrants

Width 1410 mm (approx. value) exclusive quadrants

Height 2150 mm (approx. value) exclusive quadrants

90° side quadrants

suitable for up to 5m bending radius

Weight in air

5.5 t (approx. value) incl. quadrants

Working load limit

15t (approx. value) solely related to cable weight

Power Supply

380 V, 50 Hz, 32 A or 440V, 60 Hz, 32 A

Wheel pairs

4x wheels with wheel 650 mm/each

Wheel drive

4x hydraulic motors with cooled electric driven HPU

Working Pressure

200 bar

Max. Pulling Force

20 kN

Cable opening

Min 25 mm/ Max. 300 mm

Speed control

0 – 50 m/min (0 – 3,000 m/h)

Hydraulic drive with continuous variable speed and regulation in both directions

Load control

Load cell with 0 – 10,000 kg capacity


Hulst Cable Equipment B.V.
Vierburenweg 9
9922 TE Westeremden
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 596 551 514
E-mail: info@hulstcableequipment.com

Machine renting

